Jitsi Meet
Jitsi Meet, a popular open-source project for video conferencing and remote meetings, uses Voximplant and its Interactive Voice Response (IVR) functions for incoming dialing. This guide shows how Jitsi Meet self-installers can use Voximplant to replicate the call-in and IVR functionality found on meet.jit.si and how to add outgoing dialing from Meet. It starts with some architecture for context and then provides a step-by-step guide with easy-to-reuse code for setting up Jigasi (Jitsi’s SIP gateway) and Voximplant’s environment.
Jitsi Meet has many internal components that allow it to be scaled to support tens of millions of users. In this article, you connect Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) phone network callers with Jitsi Meet mobile and web users. The relevant parts are shown as blue boxes in the diagram below.

Jitsi Meet with Jigasi
Jitsi Meet is a front-end web application that uses WebRTC media and XMPP for signaling. Jigasi is a SIP gateway service designed to work with Jitsi Meet. Jigasi takes SIP signaling and RTP media from SIP devices and converts that to Jitsi’s XMPP signaling with WebRTC-compatible media. For incoming calls – i.e., those coming from the PSTN phone network into Jitsi Meet – Jigasi connects to the appropriate Meet server, and its media is relayed by the Jitsi Video Bridge (JVB) component. For outgoing calls - those initiated by a Jitsi Meet user to the phone network - the Jicofo component discovers available Jigasi units and connects to one.
In this architecture, VoxEngine is used to:
- Receive incoming calls and gather bridge ID and password information via an IVR
- Send outgoing calls from Jigasi to the PSTN
- Manage mute and kick functions for those PSTN callers during the call
Jigasi optimization features
To help maximize the performance of the Jigasi gateways, Voximplant implemented some unique features. For example, Voximplant supports intrasession SSRC mixing. This feature multiplexes multiple media streams into the same session, helping to reduce memory and port management processing in Jigasi.
In addition, Voximplant supports RTP Header Extensions for Client-to-Mixer Audio Level Indication (RFC6464). That mouthful of a spec means Voximplant sends audio-level information to Jitsi Meet. Jitsi Meet uses this as part of its last-N protocol to identify who the active speaker is and to change the view as needed. Voximplant offloads this processing from Jigasi, helping to make it more scalable.
Conference info services
Jitsi Meet’s user interface is set up assuming users can call a single pool of dial-in numbers and connect to any conference on the system. To do this, the meet.jit.si service uses a number mapper service to link each created conference - i.e. meet.jit.si/voximplant - to a unique numeric PIN that does not change as long as it is used once every 30 days. This PIN is designed to be easy to key in on the phone via DTMF by the caller so that they can join the right conference.
When a conference is started on the web, Meet submits the URL to the number mapper, and the PIN is returned. If no PIN exists then a new one is created. Jitsi Meet then displays this information when a user clicks on conference info or tries to share the meeting details. When a PSTN user calls in, VoxEngine makes an HTTP call to retrieve the PIN information and then passes the correct conference room in a SIP header.

In addition, a phone number list service is used to retrieve one or more dial-in numbers that can be used to dial into the service. While not strictly required in your own Jitsi Meet service, the Meet UI expects a phone number list service to be configured if Jigasi is enabled.
Set up Jigasi with Voximplant
The instructions assume that you:
- Already have Jitsi Meet installed
- Have access to navigate and configure your Jitsi Meet installation
- Have rudimentary JavaScript coding skills
- Are running an all-in-one Jitsi configuration and are okay with adding a single Jigasi server on the same machine
Let us break these instructions into three major sections:
- Setting up Voximplant – some basic provisioning and a high-level code walkthrough
- Configuring the Conference Info Services – you do the minimum required here
- Configuring Jigasi
Values from each of these steps are required in the other steps, so be prepared to jump between systems. You can install Jigasi first and go back later and enter the appropriate SIP parameters.
Set up Voximplant
For general information on getting started with Voximplant, check out the quick start here. Here is a short step-by-step guide on how to set up Voximplant for use with Jigasi.
- Go to voximplant.com and create an account if you do not have one already.
- Purchase a phone number. Go to the main menu in the upper left, select numbers, and click to buy a new one:

- Create an application and open it.

- Assign the number to the application.

Select “All Rules” for now.
- Create a user.

This creates SIP user credentials that Jigasi uses to register with Voximplant.
In addition to creating a user for Jigasi, it would also be good to create a second user for testing with Jitsi Desktop. Jitsi Desktop is a desktop SIP client application that uses the same SIP stack, most of the same settings as Jigasi, and is helpful for SIP testing to Voximplant independent of all the Meet components.
- Create an incoming scenario. Go to scenarios and create a new Jigasi Inbound scenario for handling incoming calls from the PSTN to Jigasi.

Paste all the code from here into the scenario.
Create an outgoing scenario. Repeat the procedure above for outgoing. The code is available here. Find more information about what this code is doing in the VoxEngine code walkthrough section.
Create a mute IVR scenario. Do this one more time for the mute IVR using this code.
Configure rules. The last thing you need to do is configure how incoming calls are handled. Go to Routing and create a new rule by clicking New Rule in the upper right corner.

Inbound rule
Create a rule for calls from the PSTN. Voximplant routes calls based on the SIP “to” field. For calls from the PSTN, the to field is the purchased PSTN number. Enter that number into the pattern box:

If you have multiple numbers assigned, you can use a regular expression to match additional incoming numbers.
Select the muteIVR scenario from the Available Scenarios dropdown and then add the Jigasi Inbound scenario you created earlier. Note that the order is important here. The incoming scenario expects global variables from the muteIVR scenario to be available before loading.
Outbound rule
Repeat the same steps for the outgoing scenario from Jigasi to the PSTN. If you want your users to have the ability to call any phone number in the world, you can put the .* regular expression. In the example below, limit calls to the United States only based on the +1 country code:

Rule order
You now have 2 rules — one forwards calls dialed to your incoming number and the other lets all US numbers dial out. Voximplant executes these rules in order. Make sure you have the incoming rule that filters on a specific number (or numbers) before the outgoing — otherwise any incoming call could get picked up by the outgoing rule!

VoxEngine code
All the code you need is located in Voximplant’s jitsi-connector GitHub repo. Make sure you copy the code from there as that is updated more frequently than this article.
Jigasi to PSTN scenario
Let’s start with the outgoing scenario since that is a simple one that doesn’t use any IVR interaction.
Globals and constants
Start with some global variables for the call objects and configuration options:
Make sure you populate the phone numbers you purchased with Voximplant under DIDS
. You are probably starting with a single number, but don’t forget you can add local numbers for additional countries. In the case of calling out from Jitsi Meet to a user, if you had a French number populated above then if you called a user in France the French number would show on the caller ID.
Answer a call from Jigasi
VoxEngine handles each leg of the call independently. When the user enters a phone number to call, Jigasi initiates an outgoing SIP call to VoxEngine. First, you need to answer that SIP call leg:
Once you answer, read a message to the Jitsi Meet bridge to let them know the call is going through. Use an event listener at the end of that playback to initiate the outgoing call:
Add an outgoing call leg
Wait for a callback that is triggered when the previous prompt finishes. That callback simply dials out to the PSTN leg:
Pass control to the muteIVR
After the call is set up, you need to start the In-call mute IVR to watch for mute/unmute signals. You can do that by making a new InputMenu instance and starting it:
PSTN to Jigasi scenario
The incoming scenario is similar to the outgoing example, except it adds an IVR and an HTTP request to your Number Mapper service to lookup the proper conference URL.
Set the constants
Make sure to specify the Voximplant user you created above and adjust the other parameters as needed:
Declare the IVR module at the top of your code:
IVRs are defined by establishing a number of states. In each state, the developer defines a prompt for the user to respond to. The user enters information with DTMF keys, the entry is analyzed, and the program either finishes, moves onto a new state, or the state is repeated. To create a new state, create a new IVRState class instance with a name, IVR parameters including prompt, and then a handler for analyzing the data and what to do if no input is provided.
Our incoming pre-conference IVR is simple with only 2 states:
— have the user enter their conference numberconfgetpassword
— have the user enter the conference passcode
You need another service to determine if the given conference has a password set. For simplicity, ask the user to enter # if there is no password.
Number mapper
VoxEngine has an httpRequest method you can use to make REST API calls. Use the PIN the user entered to make that HTTP call, save that info, and move along to the next IVR state.
Pass the conference information to Jigasi
Lastly, you need to send the information gathered by the IVR to Jigasi. The incoming call handling (not shown here) is similar to the outgoing scenario. For the outgoing call leg, you need to add SIP headers with the conference URL and passcode (if needed) when initiating the call:
Use the mixStreams
and audioLevelExtension
options to optimize performance.
muteIVR scenario
The muteIVR scenario handles:
IVR states for muting
Starting the mute-control IVR
Communicating audio state information with Jigasi
Total call duration timeout
Let’s touch on a few of these.
IVR states
To let the phone user control their audio, include two states - one for mute and one for unmute. These states check for *6 and call the sendMuteRequest function if pressed. Also, add logic to start the IVR which you call from the incoming and outgoing scenarios.
Handle messages to and from Jigasi
Rather than muting locally with Voximplant, ask Meet to mute the call so the Meet UI shows that the caller is muted. When *6 is pressed, a SIP INFO message is sent to Jigasi via the call.sendInfo method and muteRequest message:
A similar function handles the muteResponse if the bridge asks the caller to mute. Include a timeoutHandler helper function in this scenario to prevent calls from running beyond a specified limit. This helps to prevent abuse and missed hang-ups.
And the function that sets the mute state based on the information that Jigasi sends:
Conference info services setup
The Jitsi team has a Swagger definition doc for phone number list and conference mapper HTTP endpoints. In this example, set up a simple static phone number response and reuse Jitsi’s public API for the conference mapper.
Phone number list
You can examine how the phone number list service works with meet.jit.si:
curl ‘https://api.jitsi.net/phoneNumberList?conference=voximplant@conference.meet.jit.si’
It returns a JSON object with a list of phone numbers in the following format:
{"message":"Phone numbers available.","numbers":
You need something to return the phone number(s) you configured in the Voximplant setup. You can create something on the Meet Jitsi service to send this information, but for quick demonstration purposes use a service like Mocky.io to return the phone number JSON object:

Now a request to the indicated Mocky.io URL returns the following:
"message": "Phone numbers available.",
You need this URL to configure Jigasi.
As an alternative to running your own number mapper service or using something like mocky.io, you can create a local file on your Jitsi Meet server to host your numbers too. This works well for single system installs where your numbers won’t change often. On the Debian Jitsi Meet install the default location for hosting static files is /usr/share/jitsi-meet/
. Place the JSON object in a file in that directory -i.e. phone_numbers.json
and then you can access that file from https://meet.yourdomain.tld/phone_numbers.json
Conference mapper
As explained above, the conference mapper is more complex since it is expected to create a new unique PIN for each newly created conference. It needs to both receive requests from Jitsi Meet to return the PIN for a given room URL and also from VoxEngine to map a room URL to a user-entered PIN.
If you only plan to allow your users to call into a fixed number of conference URLs, then you could create a simple service, like what is shown in the Phone Number List above. Another option is to reuse Jitsi’s publicly available API for this.
For example, if you want to find the ID for https://meet.jit.si/voximplant:
curl 'https://api.jitsi.net/conferenceMapper?conference=voximplant@conference.meet.jit.si'
"message": "Successfully retrieved conference mapping",
"id": 2279215447,
"conference": "voximplant@conference.meet.jit.si"
The reverse operation to map a PIN to a URL looks like:
curl 'https://api.jitsi.net/conferenceMapper?id=2279215447’
and gives the same response as above.
When you create the conference, make sure to substitute your own domain name for “meet.jit.si” and you can use this API for your own Meet deployment.
Note that the conferenceMapper
URL is used as the MAPPER_URL in the incoming VoxEngine scenario.
Install and configure Jigasi
Jigasi is relatively simple to install and configure. You need to run the install and edit the text files with the appropriate values.
Jitsi’s quick install instructions have an option for installing Jigasi and the Jigasi repo has its own set here.
Installing Jigasi from the Debian package is simple:
apt-get -y install jigasi
This asks you for the SIP user name and password you created in step 5 of the Voximplant setup.
The Jigasi configuration files are located in /etc/jitsi/jigasi
in the standard Debian install. The settings you specified during the installation should be in /etc/jitsi/jigasi/config
# Jigasi settings
Note that the password is hashed.
SIP communicator properties
The more important file is /etc/jitsi/jigasi/sip-communicator.properties
. Note that most of the lines have a unique account ID for your instance - make sure you change this to match your instance - i.e. the number after acc
in net.java.sip.communicator.impl.protocol.sip.acc012345678901
needs to be updated.
Edit/add the following to that file:
Set a few items for VoxEngine:
# VoxEngine
# Use standard X- header
# don’t overload Jigasi with focus changes
# can be enabled to disable audio mixing and use translator, jigasi acts as jvb, just forward every ssrc stream it receives.
# allow a conference to start muted
Lastly, adjust your codec settings to force the use of OPUS for optimal performance:
Setting all these codecs to 0 ensures they are disabled. Make sure you are left with the following:
Save that file and restart Jigasi.
sudo service jigasi restart
Configure Meet
Next, give Meet your Conference info URLs:
nano /etc/jitsi/meet/[your-domain]-config.js
Find/uncomment/add and populate these values with what you specified from the Conference Info Services Setup:
dialInNumbersUrl: "https://www.mocky.io/v2/5e96723b2fff000f03025a44",
dialInConfCodeUrl: "https://api.jitsi.net/conferenceMapper",
Add the call-out button to Meet
If you want to give your users the ability to dial-out from their conference, add the add users icon to your Meet interface:
nano /usr/share/jitsi-meet/interface_config.js
Add ‘invite’ inside the TOOLBAR_BUTTONS option:
'microphone', 'camera', 'closedcaptions', 'desktop', 'fullscreen',
'fodeviceselection', 'hangup', 'profile', 'info', 'chat', 'recording',
'livestreaming', 'etherpad', 'sharedvideo', 'settings', 'raisehand',
'videoquality', 'filmstrip', 'invite', 'feedback', 'stats', 'shortcuts',
'tileview', 'videobackgroundblur', 'download', 'help', 'mute-everyone',
'e2ee', 'localrecording'
Try it!
Load up a Meet URL in your browser and give it a try! To dial out, click the “+”:

Check to make sure your number with PIN shows in the conference info panel and give your number a call:

Make it your own
Now that you have an idea of how the system works, there are many ways to optimize with Voximplant:
- Add new numbers for other regions or countries
- Whitelist incoming callers for certain Meet URLs without authorization
- Add an authorization PIN for outgoing calling
- Add outgoing SIP calling
- Use speech recognition to say a room name instead of entering it
- Connect to a PBX or even an existing conferencing system